Overseas Wechat Official Account is becoming more and more important for overseas companies plan to expend their Business in China,it is a basic and useful social media account for digital marketing in China,here I will give you some information about how to register Wechat Official Account step by step.
Besides the companies in China Mainland can register WeChat Official Account,some overseas regions below are open to register:
Hong Kong, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Spain, Vietnam, Italy, Japan, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Cambodia Russia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg Maldives, Malta, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
You can log in to Wechat Official platform homepage (follow the link below), select the corresponding registration region to register. If there are no registration options for you region, you should keep an eye on the Platform's news.
Tips: Individual wechat (both domestic and overseas) can subscribe overseas wechat ffficial accounts those register from wechat platforms and be verified.
STEP1:Open the WeChat Official platform website: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/ Click "Register now" in the upper right corner;
STEP2:Select the corresponding region and account type (overseas accounts only support ‘Service Account’ registration):
Step3:Service Agreement;
STEP4:Fullfill information about company ;
STEP5:Confirm you account name;
STEP6:Confirm the invoice;
STEP7:Pay the fee of verification(99$);
I provide Wechat Official Account registering service,also the Account operation ,contents creation,translation services etc.Please feel free to contact me .